Meet All Our Travel Agents
Harriot's Bio
My name is Harriot, yes, with an “o” or better said I have a “riot” on the end of my first name. Travel has been in my blood from a very early age. According to my Mama, my first word was “air-pane.” But you know how Mama’s like to exaggerate about their children! While in college, I would pass a travel agency each weekend when walking to town. I decided that they needed help, well at least $20.00 dollars’ worth a week of MY help! Persistence paid and that was the beginning of my love affair with travel and my career as a travel agent. Ha, little did I know what a profound influence that early travel agency job would have on my future career choices and on my marriage partner! I have been in the travel industry since 1968. Most of those years have been spent as the co-owner of Let’s Travel, with my husband Tom. Additionally, I am a CTC, a certified travel counselor (I earned this designation in 1980). This designation is an earned one and is equivalent to a master’s degree in travel management and transportation. That doesn't mean that I don’t continue to learn something new every day. My specialty is group travel; tailor made independent itineraries worldwide; around the world journeys; and quality cruises. Most of all I love to make your travel dreams come true! My two favorite places on earth, besides home (I am a native of Orlando, a real rarity) is Scotland and the Czech Republic (this is where our grandson James lives). My husband and I have one dog, Dolly. She was sort of rescued. She is a pure bred Labrador retriever, named "Dolly". My hobbies are drawing, designing, painting, sculpting, snooping at antique estate sales or flea markets or auctions and, of course, traveling. I would love to be a part of your travel plans. I’ll be with you from beginning to end and always have your back!
A travel challenge always excites my creativity!
I don’t want to just book a trip; I want to help make a wonderful lasting memory to be recalled throughout your entire life.
Call me or e-mail your ideas to me….!
Send me an email at:

Holly's Bio
I’m Holly M. Price, the newest travel consultant at Let’s Travel. I’ve been an Orlando resident for 22 years now, after moving from the great state of West Virginia (fresh out of college with my Biology degree). From the moment I got here, I have worked in the travel industry. From 2004-2017, I owned Legendary Tours & Travel a Student Travel company. As a Student Tour Operator, I was blessed to enjoy many years organizing trips for school bands, choirs, orchestras, academic groups, theater/drama troupes, sports travel…among several other group travel experiences. I am thrilled to expand my role from tour operator to full service travel agent.
I am a breast cancer survivor, animal lover, nature girl, yoga practitioner, music fiend, concert addict, travel enthusiast, book worm, great home cook, art appreciator, semi-decent gardener, cast iron pan collector, proud West Virginia girl, daughter of educators, sister of a pilot and an attorney, half Sicilian, half native American, and a very blessed girl with a never ending passion to learn more! Look forward to hearing from my old friends and making new ones.
I’m the proud mother of Rosie & Lady B. Rotten, my fur babies.
Please call and let me help you make your next cruise or vacation an amazing experience from beginning to end...
I even want to hear from you after you get home!!
Send me an e-mail at 
Ann's Bio
Hi, my name is Ann and happily I have recently joined my friends at “Let’s Travel” to help with groups and learn the individual booking process for vacations. After spending 34 years working in the Travel Industry in Marketing for Theme Parks, dealing with Travel Wholesalers, Travel Agents and Group Tours I retired but did not want to walk away from my involvement in the Travel Industry. During my career I planned events to present our theme parks to International and Domestic Tour Wholesalers and Travel Agents. These multimedia events took place in the USA and Europe. I am extremely detail oriented and am excited to be working with an esteemed group of professionals. I have lived in Florida my whole life and in Orlando for the past 48 years. My hobbies are travel (no surprise there), snow skiing, cooking, gardening and volunteering with my church. Please let me help make your vacation perfect down to the smallest detail!
Please contact me if you want to visit Europe or even a trip to Orlando, I will “dot” every “I” twice and “cross” every “t” three times until your itinerary is perfection.
Contact me:
Send me an email at:

Pat's Bio
My name is Pat. I was born in Chicago but lived most of my childhood in New Jersey. After I married, my husband and I lived in Pennsylvania for 20 years before finally settling in Central Florida. For more than three decades, I have made my career in travel. Realizing early into my career that I needed to set myself apart from my peers, I started the three year process to become a CTC, earning that designation in 1986. A CTC (Certified Travel Counselor) is a designation for an individual who has successfully completed master’s level courses in travel management and transportation. This is an individual designation and recognizes that the agent has achieved the top of their professional career. For twelve years of my career, I owned and managed a full service travel agency in Winter Park, Florida. Throughout my life, I have been fortunate to have traveled extensively and to have seen more than 60 countries around the world. Though I find myself partial to Europe, China and Indonesia (Bali), I know many more exciting destinations await me in my future. It is my sincerest hope that I will be able to visit a total of 100 countries during my lifetime and join the elite “Century Club.” My husband and I recently visited Antarctica, the Falkland Islands, Chile, Egypt, and went on an African photographic safari. I enjoy planning all types of travel from the very simple short getaway to the complex leisure itineraries. My husband Eric and I have two daughters and three grandchildren. My hobbies are reading, knitting, but most of all traveling!
I always enjoy discussing “favorite” destinations and helping you plan your travel adventures.
Send me an email at:

Tom's Bio
From my earliest recollections, my family has traveled and lived across the US because of my father’s job with Kodak. In my 20’s, filled with wanderlust from my childhood and a healthy curiosity of foreign places, I set out for a summer adventure to Europe. Little did I know my summer adventure would turn out to be a four year journey of a lifetime! My travels took me throughout all of Europe, old Yugoslavia overland through Greece, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand and finally to Australia. During my visit to Nepal, I trekked in the Himalayas. The grandeur and beauty is etched in my memory forever! Throughout all of my travels, nothing was rushed allowing me time to learn and soak up the scenery and culture of every place I visited. This luxury of time is often only experienced in your youth. (Since my four year sojourn, my wife and I have also traveled extensively. Some of those places include the Orient, Asia, Central America, Scandinavia, Russia and we have returned many times to Europe, amounting to more than 60 countries.) Upon my return home in 1977 (my father’s final transfer with Kodak brought him to Orlando) I decided to try to apply my experience traveling and learn to be a travel agent. A natural progression, I thought! I knew nothing about the technical side of travel, so I decided to enroll in a local community college course on “Travel Industry Techniques.” My teacher, Harriot, taught me "so well," I married her!!! We have been marriage partners and business partners since then, together every day for more than four decades. Obviously, my long suit is patience! I am also amply supplied with patience for my clients too. My travel specialty is the organization of unique itineraries that require the planner to have firsthand experience of the specific area. My hobbies are traveling, playing the flute, crossword puzzles, visiting antique markets with my wife and gourmet cooking. PS I am excellent in finding best first class airfares!!!!!
Please contact me if trekking in the Himalayas is your speed or if a cooking school suits your taste!
No matter what you select, I have the right recipe for your next vacation.
Send me an email at:

Our “Four Legged” Agents”
We know that God always has another pet lined up to join our family when the others pass away.
This Dolly girl is His current replacement. Before them were Angel, Princess, Molly, Lucy and Cookie.
(There were many more before Angel, Princess, Molly, Lucy and Cookie and they all lived long happy lives once they became members of our family).
Please read about our dearly departed girls.
We were heart broken when suddenly our Cookie had a massive heart attack and passed away right on the foot of our bed on 28 January 2017!!! She was so unique and quite a character and we loved her dearly. She ticked to a different clock. We believe Cookie picked Dolly for us since Dolly was born 2 days before our Cookie when home to Heaven. Dolly is as unique and as much a character as our Cookie was. As more and more time passes, Dolly shows more of Cookies twerks. Dolly is a pure bred Chocolate Labrador, dark chocolate that is. Lucy who was 14 at the time when we got Dolly, Lucy liked her and showed her she was the boss. Lucy just lacked the fervor to play with her or teach her anything. After all when we got Dolly Lucy was 98 years old in human years. We are convinced that older dogs teach younger ones the tricks and unfortunately Lucy couldn’t do any of that at all. Training was left to us. Well, that is still a work in progress. I think we are the one’s missing the training not Dolly. She hates crates so we have her baby sat by a dog walker baby sitter, her Uncle Frank walks her on Sunday while we are in church preventing her from tearing up the crate…….. She absolutely loves him. She seems to know when it’s time for him to come on Sunday’s and waits at the door for his arrival eagerly. Though a light weight in the Labrador family size, 58 pounds, she is as strong as 8 sled dogs. She’s a terrible jumper at the front door and pulls on her leash like she is a whole sled dog team. However we are now trying a “gentle leader” with food rewards when walking her. This is to teach her to listen to our commands and not to do that bad behavior. It is slowly beginning to work. From the first night when she came to our home to live, she has slept in our bed. She is a good girl all night and is really warm when the weather is chilly. During the hurricane and the windows were open, she heard every leaf drop and barked constantly. She hates no AC. Once power came back on, she slept like a spoiled baby in the cool! Recently we enrolled her is doggie day care at Paws Abound. She loves her play mates, the bigger the playmates the better. Although she is head strong, we hope this time there will be well spent. In other words Dolly is a work in progress. WE LOVE HER!!!!!!! Tune in for more on her and her positive growth. By the way, like all our babies, there will be no babies in her future!! PS Dolly is a working girl too like her predecessors but she likes doggie day care more. Maybe one day she’ll come to work as the others have in the past.
August 14, 2017
Lucy left this life to go to Heaven to be with her Cookie and Angel.
When Princess and Molly passed away within a week of each other, we were devastated. Angel was so overwrought; she wouldn't eat or even get out of bed. Knowing how hard it was to lose two beloved members of our family within a week, my cousin Lee Ann, who is our dog's second mother, called to tell me she read an ad about another Labrador that needed to be rescued and for me to call the people right now! We weren't so sure; after all it was so soon after our heart wrenching losses. One look at our forlorn Angel and we knew we had to call the number right then. The next day we went to meet Lucy. She was horribly shy and not socialized at all; in fact, she was scared to death of everyone and everything. We learned she had been thrown into pens with grown breeding Chows since she was only 12 weeks old, never touched or played with and only fed; a real torture for the social breed of Labrador Retriever. Guess they were waiting for her to be their big money making breeding machine. It was our good luck when the breeder later decided “Labradors were stupid” so his lust to breed her was gone and he ran the ad to get rid of her!!! Guess they'd never heard about Labradors being trained and used for companions for the blind, physically handicapped and the deaf. Lucy looked absolutely the complete opposite of Princess. Everywhere Princess was dark Lucy was Pink. Princess had brown eyes, Lucy had amber eyes. Well, once again, it was love at first sight for us but Angel was the real litmus test. (We adopted Lucy on the spot, by the way. Lucy became a member of our family that October 2003). When we returned to the office empty handed and with Lucy's scent on us, Angel was puzzled as to where her new friend was? Two days later we went to get Lucy and bring her home. When Lucy was brought in our home, we decided she and Angel needed to meet in the yard first. When they finally met, Angel smelled every spot on Lucy's body and then some! Afterwards, Lucy thought it was her turn to smell Angel the same way. How wrong could she have been? Angel immediately asserted her "lead dog" role and Lucy accepted Angel's pack leader role with great dignity and with her legs in the air. Lucy and Angel raced around the pool like it was a race track, Lucy never won, but they played well together every day for the remainder of Angel's life. Lucy has been a working girl, going to work every day since she became a member of our family, learning from Angel all of the little tricks of the house and the office. Lucy is an eating machine and loves to play fetch. She is the best judge of character and refuses to stop barking if she doesn't like someone. We take her cue as a real gift from God which probably has spared us a whole bunch of grief from undesirables who used to hang around near our old office building. She is with us all the time. Lucy is a real comfort to us when this business gets too stressful. Somehow hugging her and rubbing her soft chest makes everything all right. Our wish is that Lucy may live a very long, happy and healthy life. (This is Cookie's wish too.) We love her so dearly.
January 28, 2017
Cookie is with her Lucy and a basket full of squeaky toys.
Sorrow always brings to us our new four legged family member and Cookie is no exception to that rule. When Angel finally went to be with God, Princess and Molly, Lucy was lost without Angel exceedingly lonely for another companion besides us and so were we. Throughout our marriage we have always had two or three and even as many as four dogs in our family plus several cats. We began to look on line for a pet rescue group and that's when we saw "Nugget"! Love was abloom again in our hearts but Lucy was going to have that same feeling before any new baby could join our family. This is when the litany began of our trying to connect with this lack luster rescue group. The harder it was to communicate with them the more we wanted to see this baby "Nugget". With Lucy in tow, we finally connected with them and went to see "Nugget", our new Cookie. These folks were something else, to say the least! They were back yard breeders of all sorts of big dogs and we believed not even doing it legally, Before I was allowed to see Cookie, this breeder reminded me that "Nugget" was a pure bred Labrador and thus her requirement for a larger donation to her rescue cause. (Her cause, we suspected was her own back pocket.) Frankly, we didn't care if Cookie was a pure bred or not as Lucy was the one who would have to accept her and purity of breed didn't matter to Lucy at all. (Our vet says she is part Labrador and Rottweiler.) When I picked up Cookie from this dismal back yard pen I knew she was going to be ours. Soon I was at the car where Tom and Lucy were waiting. I put our "new baby" Cookie on the back seat next to Lucy. She smelled Cookie everywhere and looked at me as if to say, "take her home Mama, I love her"! Then Tom held Cookie and that sealed the deal. Cookie was going home with us and joining our family. Soon after we got home, Lucy enforced her dominant role when Cookie tried to nurse her! Lucy would have none of that and Cookie submitted to Lucy cheerfully. Hard headed as she is sweet, Cookie and Lucy love each other now and play like sisters all the time. Lucy still has to make her obey occasionally, but that's what big sisters do, isn't it. Cookie is a squeaky toy freak. The one in her mouth in the picture is still intact after almost 3 years. It's her favorite, a penguin with a squeaker. We adore this little scamp who has stolen or heart with her every look or move!
